Program Director Responsibilities
Program Directors are required to:
1. Register your Program
Each Program must be registered by their Program Director using this link: Centralized Registration Platform
- All programs must be registered four (4) weeks ahead of the start date of a program
- Program Directors must input the initial Program details in the registration system, which will then be directed to the appropriate University official for review and conditional approval.
- Upon receiving conditional approval, Program Directors must complete the certification components and submit the registration to finalize the registration process.
- At the time of program registration, we understand you may not have a final number of Authorized Adults and/or minor participants. Please provide your best estimate. The final number of Authorized Adults and/or minor participants will be confirmed upon the Office of Ethics and Compliance’s request for program rosters
- Program rosters must be uploaded to the registration form no later than 30 days following the start date of the program, or upon completion of the program if the duration is less than 30 days.
2. Confirm completion of background checks for all Authorized Adults
All Authorized Adults must have a completed criminal background check within the past four (4) years by Emory Human Resources prior to the Authorized Adult working with minors, with additional checks conducted annually for Programs involving off-campus overnight stays.
3. Confirm completion of required annual training by all Authorized Adults
Prior to an Authorized Adult working with minors, all Authorized Adults must complete the following mandatory trainings through United Educators
Boundary Training for Educators
Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct
Additionally, individuals tasked with staffing their programs are highly encouraged to complete the Hiring Staff Who Work with Minors training through United Educators. For more information on how to log-in to take the training, refer to the United Educators Login Instructions.
Individuals will receive a certification form upon completion of training. This form should be shared with Program Directors to verify training completion within the United Educators system. Additionally, Program Directors can contact the Office of Ethics and Compliance for additional assistance.
4. Obtain Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk form for all minor participants
Emory-sponsored and Emory-affiliated Programs must collect signed Liability and Assumption of Risk forms from all minor participants and upload the forms to an Emory-managed platform (e.g., OneDrive). Below is the standard consent form for Emory camps:
If your program is not considered a camp or the activities do not align with the consent form above, please reach out to the Office of Ethics and Compliance at to obtain an appropriate consent form.
5. Confirm program meets the minimum Adult/Minor Ratio
The program must meet the minimum adult/minor ratio standard per American Camp Association Guidelines outlined on the OEC Programs Involving Minors webpage.
6. If a non-Emory sponsored program, obtain insurance coverage
- If the program is not sponsored by Emory, the program will have to obtain insurance coverage
- Insurance coverage must cover such amounts specified by Emory in a Program contract and must contain coverage for sexual abuse and molestation.
- Proof of insurance must be uploaded to an Emory-managed platform.
7. Certification of Requirements on the Registration System
Program Directors are required to certify in the centralized registration system that the following compliance elements have been satisfied in accordance with Emory Policy for Programs Involving Minors:
- Completion of criminal background check within the past four (4) years by Human Resources and prior to the Authorized Adult working with minors for all Authorized Adults
- Completion of required annual training by all Authorized Adults prior to the Authorized Adult working with minors, including Boundary Training for Educators, and Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct
- Obtain Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk form for all minors participating in an Emory-sponsored Program and forms are uploaded to an Emory-managed platform (e.g., OneDrive)
- Confirmation that the program meets the minimum adult/minor ratio standard American Camp Association Guidelines
- Non-Emory sponsored Programs: Obtained insurance coverage in alignment with Emory Policy for Programs on Emory’s Campus Involving Minors and proof of insurance has been uploaded to an Emory-managed platform (e.g., OneDrive) been fulfilled in accordance with Emory Policy for Programs Involving Minors
8. Maintain Records of Required Documentation
Program Directors are required to maintain documentation of the following program registration-related documents:
- Consent documentation: Consent forms signed by parents/guardians should be stored on and Emory supported shared drive (e.g., OneDrive)
- Training certificates: Throughout the Program duration, Program Directors are responsible for retaining evidence of completed training certificates for all Authorized Adults participating in their program. Program Directors can obtain these copies directly from the trainees or request a list of completed trainees from the Office of Ethics and Compliance. These certifications should be uploaded and stored on an Emory-supported shared drive (e.g., OneDrive) by either the trainee or the Program Director.
- Background checks: Throughout the program duration, Program Directors are responsible for confirming completion of background checks for all Authorized Adults participating in their program. Program Directors can confirm through Human Resources.
9. Consequences for Non-Compliance
Compliance is essential to ensure the safety of minors. If a Program Director fails to accurately attest the above requirements have occurred, noncompliance will be escalated to appropriate leadership, and the Office of Ethics and Compliance will work with the Program to ensure full compliance going forward. Depending on the severity of the violation, consequences may include immediate cancellation of the Program, prohibiting the Program from operating in the future, disciplinary action, and/or revocation of the opportunity to use Emory facilities.