Frequently Asked Questions

Process Related FAQs

1. Why were these requirements implemented? 

Emory University is committed to maintaining a supportive and safe educational environment and enhancing the well-being of all members of its community. The protection of minors on College and University campuses has been a known and growing concern for institutions across the country and is an issue identified by Emory’s Risk Management Program to strengthen the processes and resources in place to help protect minors and better track programs with minors.

2. As a potential Program Director, where should I start?

First, if you haven’t already done so, discuss the potential program with your Dean, Vice President, or Vice Provost. After you have their approval, begin the program registration process and refer to resources on this webpage to ensure your program is meeting all requirements.

3. My program is already in process, do I need to register my program within the Program Registration platform?

All programs, beginning on or after May 28, 2024, that involve minors must be registered in the Centralized Registration Platform. Recurring programs must be registered annually to ensure verification of completion of training and background checks occur before the start of the program.

4. How can I ensure my background check is valid and has been completed within the past 4 years?

Please contact Human Resources ( to request status of your background check or to request a new background check.

5. Is there an additional policy for minors working in University laboratories?

Yes, a Minors in Research Policy exists to identify the requirements and conditions that must be met in order for certain minors to conduct research or participate in other activities in a laboratory at Emory University. This Policy is enforced by the VP for Research Administration. Programs/Activities involving minors in laboratories must also follow any registration requirements as stipulated by Emory’s Office of Research Compliance and Regulatory Affairs. Information on their registration requirements is available here.

6. What is the state law regarding child abuse reporting?

O.C.G.A. §19-7-5 (

7. Who is responsible for certifying that requirements are met during the registration process?

The Program Director is responsible for certifying that requirements are met during the registration process.

8. Who provides the consent forms?

The Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Form for Camps can be assessed using the link. If your program is not considered a camp or the activities do not align with the consent form above, please reach out to the Office of Ethics and Compliance at to obtain an appropriate consent form.

9. How long does it take to process a background check?

Background checks conducted by Human Resources typically require seven to ten business days for processing.

10. How should background checks be conducted for non-University individuals working with minors?

Human Resources can process background checks for non-university individuals working with minors (e.g., contractors and volunteers) for Emory-Sponsored and Emory-Affiliated programs.

11. Is it possible to obtain a report detailing individuals who have finished both the training and background checks?

Training Completion: A certification form is generated upon completion of training, which is accessible by the trainee who completed the training. Program Directors should verify training completion through obtaining a copy of certificate from an Authorized Adult to confirm the training is completed within the United Educators system.  Additionally, Program Directors can contact the Office of Ethics and Compliance for additional assistance.

Background Checks: Human Resources must manage background check verification due to the sensitivity and confidentiality of this information. Program Directors should work with Human Resources to confirm background check completion for all Authorized Adults.

12. How often are Authorized Adults required to take the United Educators Training?

Authorized Adults are required to complete the United Educators Training every year.

13. Who is classified as an Authorized Adult?

"Authorized Adult" means a person eighteen years or older who is responsible for escorting or supervising a Minor(s) in an on-campus or off-campus Program. Examples include all Emory employees (e.g., faculty, staff), Emory students, independent contractors, and volunteers who will be escorting and supervising Minors as part of a Program.

14. What programs are required to register and what programs are exempt?

All Emory University schools, departments, offices and units, as well as external groups that offer Programs involving Minors that meet the definition of a Program are required to register. “Programs” are those activities developed and or administered by or on behalf of a unit of Emory University, or that take place on Emory’s campus, that are directed toward or otherwise include Minors as participants. This includes, but is not limited to: athletic camps, academic camps, instructional programs, research activities, and other organized programs and activities intended for Minors, whether the program is limited to daily activities, involves the housing of minors in residence halls, takes place virtually/online, or takes place off campus as part of an activity directed or sponsored by Emory University.

Examples include:

  • Emory-Sponsored: Programs directly overseen or paid for by Emory
  • Emory-Affiliated Programs: Programs that have some form of connection or association with Emory but may not receive direct sponsorship or funding from Emory. These programs involve collaboration with Emory employees but operate independently or with support from other organizations. While oversight from Emory employees may be involved, the programs themselves may not be financially supported by Emory, such as:
    • Coaches affiliated with Emory Athletics

Exempt from registration:

  • Matriculated Emory students who are under 18 (however, mandatory reporting requirements described in Emory Policy 4.119 Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Policy do apply to students under 18)
  • Research projects that include minors as participants that have been approved by an IRB
  • Clinical Care for patients who are under 18
  • Events on campus open to the public, such as:
    • Athletic events
    • Public performances
    • Campus tours
  • Minors employed by Emory or Emory Healthcare

Additionally, External Programs (i.e., programs that have no direct sponsorship or affiliation with Emory and operate independently of Emory's support or oversight) are not required to register through the platform. External Programs must, however, follow the processes and requirements stipulated by Emory Conference Services.

15. The Centralized Registration Form on OEC's website requests information for the "Program Director." Does this refer to the faculty member supervising the student-run activity or the administrative staff member overseeing the department as a whole?

The determination would rely on the roles of these individuals and their alignment with the definition of an Authorized Adult, as outlined below. This involves examining the responsibilities of both the faculty member and the administrative staff member to identify which one better fits the criteria of an Authorized Adult. For instance, does the administrative staff person support program-related tasks, or are they not involved with the program at all?

"Authorized Adult" a person eighteen years or older who is responsible for escorting or supervising a Minor(s) in an on-campus or off-campus Program. Examples include all Emory employees (e.g., faculty, staff), Emory students, independent contractors, and volunteers who will be escorting and supervising Minors as part of a Program.

16. If I am an Emory coach and I have a camp this summer that has a contract with Emory, do I need to register the camp via the portal?

Yes, you need to go through the registration process as an Emory-Affiliated Program. It is possible that the terms of your agreement may differ (e.g., how the background check process is conducted) from some process requirements. You can follow the terms of the contract this summer, but the contract terms will be updated in future iterations to conform to the specific process requirements.

Practical Scenario FAQs

1. If a minor were to volunteer within my classroom or laboratory for a single day, what procedures should be followed?

In adherence to our policy, all minors participating in classroom or laboratory activities must complete the registration process through the centralized registration platform.

2. If I have employees in my program who are minors, do I need to go through the registration process? 

Minors employed by Emory University or Emory Healthcare are not applicable to the registration process and should be handled through Human Resources. Please contact Cheryl Coulthurst, assistant vice president of recruitment, for more information on requirements related to hiring minors.

3. If my program spans only a few hours for a single day, is registration still required?

Yes, registration is still mandatory. All minors participating in a Program sponsored by or affiliated with Emory, regardless of the duration, are required to complete the registration process through the centralized registration platform unless they are exempt as noted above. If you have any questions, please contact

4. If we are hosting an event that is not specifically aimed at minors, but minors may be present, does the event have to register as a program?

No, this scenario is exempt from registration process; however, it's important to ensure that while the event is open to minors, adequate measures are still in place to guarantee their safety and well-being.

 5. What is the difference between an Emory-Sponsored Program, Emory-Affiliated Program, and Non-Emory Sponsored Program?

Registration requirements apply to programs sponsored or affiliated with Emory, where the Program Director is an Emory employee. This does not include outside companies renting space on campus that are not affiliated with Emory, which are handled separately. Please see below for definitions of the program types mentioned:

  • Emory-Sponsored Program: Programs directly overseen or paid for by Emory.
  • Emory-Affiliated Program: These are programs that have some form of connection or association with Emory but may not receive direct sponsorship or funding from Emory. These programs involve collaboration with Emory employees but operate independently or with support from other organizations. While oversight from Emory employees may be involved (e.g., coaches affiliated with Emory Athletics), the programs themselves may not be financially supported by Emory.
  • Non-Emory Sponsored Program: These programs have no direct sponsorship or affiliation with Emory. They operate independently of the university's support or oversight. Examples include events or activities organized by external organizations or entities that rent space on Emory's campus but are not officially endorsed or funded by the university.
6. What happens if we have to add additional Authorized Adults after the program has been registered?

In the event that an Authorized Adult joins the program after its initiation, the Authorized Adult must complete these requirements prior to working with minors and communicate this issue to the Office of Ethics and Compliance.

7. If Emory has club teams participating in sports clinics or scrimmages with high school students who are minors, is compliance required for everyone on the team, or is it solely for the coaches?

If the student athletes are not directly escorting or supervising a minor, then they would not be considered an Authorized Adult and do not need to adhere to the Authorized Adult requirements (e.g., background check, training). However, if the student athletes have direct supervision of minors, then they would be considered an Authorized Adult and need to comply with the requirements above.

8. Are current Emory students working in the clinics/camps considered Authorized Adults and are they subject to the background check and training requirements?

Yes, current Emory students working in the clinics/camps are considered Authorized Adults if they are responsible for escorting or supervising a Minor(s) in an on-campus or off-campus Program, and they must complete the background check and training requirements.

9. Would less-structured programs or non-traditional interactions with minors, such as shadowing, need to be accounted for in the system?

These programs and interactions must be formally registered within the system, and Authorized Adults involved with these minors are required to complete the Authorized Adult requirement stated in #2 and #3 of the Program Director Responsibilities tab. For instance, if a minor is shadowing a professor one-on-one, it is imperative from a risk perspective that the professor has both the background check and the required training.

10. Would LLCs (e.g., separate Athletic Camps hosted by an Emory Coach) need to be accounted for in the system?

Yesthese programs must be formally registered within the system and must comply with requirements listed in the Program Director Responsibilities section (e.g., training, background checks, consent forms for minors, additional insurance coverage) if they meet the definition of an Emory-Affiliated Program.

11. I am an Emory Employee who is volunteering for an external organization and hosting the even at Emory. Do I need to register the program?

Yes, this would be considered an Emory-Affiliated Program and is required to go through the Central Registration process, along with adhering to the compliance requirements.