About Us
Compliance Program
The Office of Ethics and Compliance coordinates the efforts of all individuals and units across the campus as they strive to comply with the myriad of laws, regulations, policies, and ethical principles that govern the university.
Operational compliance remains the responsibility of each school, department, or unit, but the Office of Ethics and Compliance will serve as a resource for all units as they fulfill their responsibilities. The Office of Ethics and Compliance will engage the university community through the following activities:
Compliance Risk Assessment
In coordination with other risk offices, including Enterprise Risk Management, the Office of Ethics and Compliance will proactively assess compliance risks across the university. This will inform the compliance work plan and help the university determine where to allocate resources for compliance initiatives.
Ethics Training and Promoting an Ethical Culture
In partnership with the Emory Center for Ethics, the Office of Ethics and Compliance will develop and implement ethics training, programming, and initiatives to support an ethical culture at Emory.
Serving as the Privacy Office
The Privacy Office is responsible for the development and oversight of privacy initiatives, including raising awareness of laws and regulations, creating policies and procedures, designing and presenting training programs, monitoring and enforcing policies and laws/regulations, conducting investigations, and providing guidance on issues as they arise. Our current programs include US laws, such as HIPAA and FERPA, state laws on genetic information and HIV AIDS, and a multitude of new state and international data protection privacy/laws and regulations.
To learn more about the role and responsibilities of the Office of Ethics and Compliance and to understand our guiding values and principles, read our charter.
The 8 Pillars of Emory’s Compliance Program
Ethics and Compliance Council
Risk Assessment
Policies and Procedures
Training and Education
Trust Line
Support of Compliance Partners
Disciplinary Consistency
The Office of Ethics and Compliance’s role is to coordinate the efforts of all individuals and units through:
- administration of the Ethics and Compliance Council;
- in-depth assessment and monitoring of compliance and ethics risks;
- assistance with policy and procedure development;
- conduct of comprehensive compliance-related training and education;
- maintenance of effective lines of communication, including, but not limited to, administering the anonymous reporting hotline;
- support of operational compliance owners with managing compliance requirements and self-monitoring;
- promotion of consistent enforcement of disciplinary standards;
- and prompt attention to detected non-compliance or other compliance deficiencies.